Let me tell you a story about self-worth and our ture potential.
There is a four meter tall Buddha in Bangkok. It is made out of two and a half tons of solid gold. Depending on the price of gold, the gold alone is worth over a hundred million dollars.
This Buddha was discovered first in 1957.
One day this Buddha had to be moved.
The monks carefully lifted it up, and that's when it suddenly cracked.
The head of the monastery was deeply frightened. He thought his clay shrine would fall apart.
But then the monks saw some gold shimmering through the cracks in the clay.
They gradually removed the clay and uncovered the golden statue. It turned out that their brothers had covered the golden Buddha with clay long ago, before the Burmese army invaded Thailand.
The Burmese soldiers entered the monastery and killed all the monks,
leaving no one alive who knew about the secret.
And so it was over two hundred years before the true golden Buddha was discovered.
I think in each one of us there is such a golden Buddha. Our true potential, an essence of what we can and like. But during our childhood and youth we become more and more covered with clay. We start to get used to the somehow comfotable layer of numbness. We start to believe lies about ourselves. We keep on staying in our gray shell, because we don't know it any different. We forget what is actually inside us and how our true nature really looks like. As a result, our gold is no longer visible and the layer of the clay becomes thicker and thicker.
How can we "scrape off" the depression and anxiety layers and get to the beautiful, golden and aesthetic OG version of ourself? And how can we use it to create a better future?
From my point of view, there are two options. Either we stay in our thick gray shell and enjoy the warmth of our comfort zone. But we have to deal with the worsening side effects of darkness, exhaustion and numbness.
Or we break out of our shell, try to scrape off a tiny bit of clay every day, and grow step by step into a happier and wiser version of our selves, the gold buddha.
If you choose the first option, you may start to slowly stop growing because your sitting in the same circle of emotions every day.
But wee need growth to stay alive.
Everything, that lives, grows.
Thats how we can see the difference between a stone and a coral. If something stops to grow and change, it will die. If we stop growing and learning, our life becomes useless and empty. Unfulfilled desires will kill our joy of life and steal all of our powers.
We need to develop fun for the process of learning and growing.
The more we learn and grow, the more freedom we get.
And the more we change, the closer we get to our own gold buddha.
So what tiny bti of clay can you scrape off today?
Take it step by step, but don't stop.
XOXO, zoë